You don’t need someone to kick your ass. You need someone to hold your hand.
Nothing makes me cringe more than someone telling me they want to start at our gym because they need someone to kick their ass.
Sorry, but I’m not in the business of ass kickings. I’m in the business of hand holding.
I’d hazard an estimate that 80% of people’s long term health, wellness and fitness goals would be achieved if they would just go to the damn gym on a daily basis for a very long time.
I’d hazard another estimate that 99% percent of people’s long term health, wellness and fitness goals would be achieved if they would just go to the right gym on a daily basis for a very long time.
It’s literally that easy.
Just go to the right gym as often as you can for the rest of your life.
If you find you’re not getting where you want to go as quickly as you want, you should probably up the intensity a little bit. (Add a little more length, duration, or difficulty). Or change the program a little bit.
Sounds simple enough right?
Wrong. The overwhelming majority of people don’t actually do it. They either never start. Or they quit.
Usually, although they don’t want to admit it, most people quit because it’s too hard. It’s too frustrating. It feels like the reward doesn’t come fast enough. So they just stop going.
Unfortunately for them, they were on the path. They were doing the thing! They just veered off and will eventually have to start over or accept that the remainder of their lifetime won’t be as long, as rewarding or as functional.
And that’s why I’m not in the business of ass kickings.
I desperately want the world to workout everyday for the rest of their lives. It’s literally what I fantasize about. We’d all be happier, healthier, and doing more awesome things for longer.
And getting your ass kicked everyday for the rest of your life just isn’t fun or sustainable.
So if you’re ready to stop getting your ass kicked, and to instead have someone to support you in what is already a difficult journey to stick with, come talk to us here at Sandpoint Strength. We’re pretty damn nice.