CrossFit Sandpoint Member profile: Anita Rotert

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?

I didn’t know anything about CrossFit until someone I knew told me about it.  He thought I would be interested.  He knew I liked to run and was trying to stay fit.  So I went on line to find out just what is this CrossFit thing.  After looking at the website, I saw the free Saturday workout.  So I thought I’d go and see what it was all about. 

What was your first impression? Has that changed?

I immediately liked it!  I thought it was challenging and liked the variety.  I thought, well, I’ll try it for three months and see if I can do it.  I started in the 6 a.m. class a little over three years ago.  They are a very motivated group; a lot of high energy. But one of the things that was so great was how they welcomed me, a much older person, to their group. I was so surprised when people would cheer me on to finish (I was always last so I got a lot of cheering).  The support was incredible.   

It didn’t take long for me to feel part of the group.  I ways try to remember how uncertain I felt when I first started and want new members to know they are part of the community.  There is no gym like CrossFit.

And I still like it when people cheer me on.  It’s funny to think that just having the coach walk by, when you are about to die, and say good job, will give you the boost you need to get through those last few burpees.  

 What was your first success?

I remember the first time I did a 100# back squat.  I thought that was pretty amazing.  I am proud to say I have had major improvements on all lifting.  And though I don’t jump up on the boxes, I am using the stacked weights to make improvements…baby steps. 

Another is, after losing weight, I can do a burpee so much better.  They are still hard but at first they were very, very hard. 

I think one of my successes is just coming to CrossFit daily.  When I tell other people that I do CrossFit, they often say, “Oh, I can’t do that.”  and I say yes you can.  If I can do it, so can you.  

What are you working on now?

I would love to be like Terry and get a toes to bar.  And continue to improve my box jumping.  Oh, and some day get a pull up.

What’s your favorite CrossFit Sandpoint memory?

I think the best memory was when I first started.  That 6 a.m. group was so helpful and encouraging.  In my head, I keep thinking,  “they probably think I wouldn’t last, that I don’t really belong here”.  But that was so far from true.  They made me feel like an athlete striving to be as good as I could be.  

Since I retired from work, I have moved on to the 8 a.m. group.  They are great too! Love the Saturday workout because I get to see some of the 6 group and also get to know other people.  Thanks Kenny and all the coaches. It’s a great community of like minded people.  Can’t beat that.