CrossFit Member Profile: Sean Gavin

What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?

I was not getting any younger and was getting Fat, so I knew I needed to make a change.  I had seen and heard about CrossFit on the news and social media.

What was your first impression? Has that changed?

I was extremely intimidated and did not think I was in good enough shape to join.  I actually came to one free class and then didn’t come back for 6 months.  But here I am 3 and a half years later.

What was your first success?

Box Jumps! I started off jumping onto stacked up bumper plates, so when I finally got to the 24” box, I was ecstatic.  That weekend when I was with my friends I kept trying to show off my new achievements by trying jumping onto counters and whatever else I could find.

What are you working on now?

Strength and nutrition are the main things I’m focusing on right now.

What’s your favorite CrossFit Sandpoint memory?

My favorite memory has repeated itself annually. Every year on my birthday I’m stronger than I was the year before!