“If I had only started earlier…”
You can fill in the blank on that sentence with just about anything you want.
But the short version of the retort is, “you didn’t.”
And that’s ok.
Technically, you could still say the same thing if you keep waiting.
There is almost no point on the timeline of your life at which it’s not worth starting.
In the realm of fitness, I’ve seen an incredible amount of improvement and development across all ages, sizes, abilities and stages of fitness.
I’ve seen people restore the ranges of motion they thought they’d lost forever.
I’ve seen people lose all the weight they figured was just who they were.
I’ve seen people regain the ability to do things they never thought they’d do again.
And if that’s not good enough for you, the science says the same.
If you’re looking to live longer and live better, there is no better time to start than now. (Which is technically earlier than tomorrow.