What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?
When I started CrossFit years ago (before coming to Sandpoint) a workplace upstairs from crashing barbells, complaining neighbors and loud music. Who can stay away from that? After 20+- years history with discovering and living with a congenital back issue, I had just lost some weight and wanted to re-invent my athletic life. A small CrossFit gym was operating downstairs from where I was contracting. I had heard of and was curious about Crossfit. The neighboring businesses’ crankiness about the music and crashing weights equalled my curiosity. After brief research I wandered in to talk about rhabdo and the cost. The owner “yessed” me to the end of the conversation figuring he’d never see me again. I walked in the next day and became a 5-6 day a week annoyance for the next 2 years.
What was your first impression? Has that changed?
The owner was a real ass (again, different gym not CrossFit Sandpoint!) but knew how to push buttons. His girlfriend was a regional athlete and an amazing coach. A girl gang formed immediately and I knew this was for me. My first steps into Crossfit Sandpoint it became clear no matter the mood, ability level or schedule there were squads to be formed. That’s what counts for me. I need to come to the gym, shake off the day, and let the physical work clean out the rest. I get that here. Every time so I guess that hasn’t changed.
What was your first success?
That’s a tough one. My first strict pull up was on my birthday a few months in. That was memorable. Since coming to Sandpoint I set to working on linking chest to bar. That, and handstand pushups clicked a month before the open and that was really exciting. Most recently, after the goals meeting with Kenny, I wanted to get my bar muscle ups back. That happened these last two weeks and that’s over the top!
What are you working on now?
I’m coming for the rings and some specific numbers on oly and power lifts. Leaning out is always on the “hope” list…not always on the “reality” list.
What’s your favorite CrossFit Sandpoint memory?
The memories are in the making daily as I continue to get to know this community. What I mean by that really points to the core of what I love about this whole thing. Every laugh about whatever. Every encouragement between buddies in class, every PR celebration or act of compassion for a fitful tantrum when things don’t go as planned. I’m not done making memories I guess and they’re like your kids, you just can’t pick a favorite.