CFSP Member Spotlight: Kate Smith


What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?

As a new window, I moved home to Sandpoint to be closer to family, but I knew that I would need to expand my community here in order to grow/survive after such a devastating event.  I wanted to find like-minded people and being six months post-partum, I wanted a challenging, peer-accountability environment to keep me going.  A CrossFit friend from Georgia kept nagging at me to try CrossFit–he told me it was a good fit for me and I should give it a try.  One day at church I was briefly introduced to Whitney, and then later that week I ran into her and Ruth at a children’s event.  I thought to myself, “Wow, look at their arms!  I want arms like that.  I wonder where they work out?”  So I struck up a conversation with them, joined CrossFit that day (telling Kenny that my “Why” is because I want arms like them), and they have become some of my closest friends in town.

What was your first impression? Has that changed?

Although Kenny made me feel welcome during foundations, I was still nervous…I thought CrossFit would be a bunch of big, muscle-y, sweaty, shirtless (and probably hairy) guys working out next to me, with the occasional phenomenal She-Ra thrown into the mix.  I am so lucky that reality is so much richer than my assumption!  Sure, there are huge muscles and shirtless guys and She-Ras…but they are joined by young moms like me, grandmas, grandpas, dads, young people, people in all different stages of their fitness journeys.  Real people.  Authentically nice people who care about their health and each other.

What was your first success?

Honestly?  Just showing up regularly has been a huge first and continuing success.  As a newly single mom, it was a struggle for me to maintain my commitment and drive.  Those little devils wear me out!  However, paired with new friendships and health education, I’m cross-fitting regularly now.  

What are you working on now?

My enthusiasm is so high right now!  CrossFit has gotten me back in the running groove!  I have run several half-marathons and about four years ago I injured my hamstring, which was slow to heal and prevented me from running much.  Then I had a baby in my late-30s, which further kicked my running butt.  CrossFit has provided me with the cross-training to prevent injury and I’m training for the Mother’s Day Half Marathon in May.  It’s so great to be back in running shape with no hamstring or knee pain!

What’s your favorite CrossFit Sandpoint memory?

I think it’s a thousand little memories rather than one big memory.  Connecting with different people on many different levels, running into them in town, joking around in the Lifestyle Challenge, lying on the floor panting after a WOD because I worked my ass off.  I do like remembering when Melissa and I were teamed up and we whispered to each other that we were going to beat “those girls over there.”  We rocked it and beat them!