CrossFit Sandpoint Member Spotlight: Crystal Baines

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What brought you to CrossFit in the first place?

Truthfully, I have been interested in CrossFit for years. I just hadn’t justified in my head investing that amount of money in myself when I could get a much cheaper gym membership other places. That being said, I was never satisfied long term at other gyms and would slowly loose interest as I never felt like I was truly enjoying it or knew what I was doing. The more I looked into CrossFit, the more I thought it’d be a good fit for me. I finally got to a place where I was ready to invest in me for me. I signed up with a friend who was interested as well and found I loved it just like I thought I would!

What was your first impression? Has that changed?

My first impression was watching the 4:30 class doing all these things that I didn’t think I’d be able to do anytime soon. But then I saw these pregnant ladies doing it and thought well crap, if they can do it, so can I! I still get inspired regularly by other members and their accomplishments. I also love the community of it and just how different everyone is who is going here.

What was your first success?

I have had so many already! The most exciting thing for me by far is my asthma improvement. When I first started I could not run more than 250m or I’d have an asthma attack (seriously). Now I can comfortably run (notice I didn’t say enjoy) with everyone else and after just 6 months in I am so happy to say that I am rarely using my inhaler anymore! I would also say seeing real proof of success for me was so motivational with my body measurements from when I started to now. Such dramatic differences is what everyone loves to see!

What are you working on now?

My form and pacing myself better.

What’s your favorite CrossFit Sandpoint memory?

I don’t know that I have a real favorite yet honestly. I just know that I am generally always excited to come workout and feel off when I don’t get to due to my crazy schedule. I figure any place that can get me excited to use my rare free time as a single mom to come do burpees and be happy about it is a winning place in my book.